24 August 2013
SCREEN CITY FESTIVAL on tour - Screening in Ceresole Reale

After making a stop in Berlin at the 48h Neukölln Festival in June and in Riga at the Waterpieces Festival as part of the program ”City as context”, the Screen City Tour has been reaching Ceresole Reale. For this place in the mountains we have chosen to show "Borders and Migration" and the video "Evighetens Avkom" creating a confrontation between a wild panorama of remote landscapes and the theme of migration. See the photos of the Vernissage in the woods!
10 May 2014
SCREEN CITY FESTIVAL on tour in 2014

In 2014 selected art pieces of the Screen City Festival section “Neighbourhood Projections – Screen Passage” will go on tour to different places around the globe such as Berlin, Riga, Ceresole Reale, Aarhus and Melbourne. The aim is to explore the effect of our art screenings in diverse public contexts and surroundings.
12 March 2014
SCREEN CITY FESTIVAL 2013 - the documentationa and a prize!

Screen City Festival 2013 won the Stavangerprisen by Natt&Dag as 2013s best artevent in Stavanger! Have a look at our documentation of the Festival with lots of images and videos.
Also the Screencity Journal #4 of our partners Screen City Lab is online! It gathers the proceedings of our symposium "Spaces, Images, Communication: Improving New Urban Models" in the framework of Screen City Festival 201.
23 Oct 2013
SCREEN CITY FESTIVAL 2013 - Shaping Public Space

Screen City Festival 2013 is approaching! In Stavanger we are "Shaping Public Space" trough "Moving Cityscapes" from 25.10- 2.11. 2013. Now the complete catalogue of the festival is downloadable here (1.1MB Pdf)! We present you video art, animation, creative data visualization, projection mapping and participatory urban media interventions as well as a symposium.
12 Feb 2013
SCREEN CITY FESTIVAL 2013 - Call for short video and animation

Screen City (25.10- 2.11. 2013) is a new festival dedicated to the moving image presented in public spaces, on the city`s facades, shop windows and urban venues, enlightening and changing the vision of the urban context of Stavanger." Under the motto Shaping Public Space - Moving Cityscapes we are looking for Video art / animation / visualization (max 5 min) and presentable without sound, to rethink, imagine, visualize, animate, transform cityscapes.
Submission form
25 Oct 2012
Dancing Hands at Share Festival - 30.10.-11.11. 2012

"Open Your City" is the guiding theme for the Share Prize 2012 and Piemonte Share Festival, opening it's exhibition on 30th October, 6:30pm at the Regional Museum of Natural Science in Turin. Mirjam Struppek contributed and curated the program"Dancing Hands" with a participatory "Citylightsorchestra" and 12 short videos for an Urban Screen and the Quadrisphera, a kind of "Globe Screen"!
29 Aug 2012
15. Bauhaus-Farbfest 2012 – 30.08.-01.09. 2012

This year the Farbfest at the Bauhaus in Dessau creates a "Gesamtkunstwerk" experimenting with transformations of Sound and Light. The program features indoor and outdoor live performances and interactive installations. Everytbody here is warming up for the opening on Friday 19:00!!
23 May 2012
Share Prize 2012 – Open Your City - Deadline 06.06.2012

Piemonte Share is announcing a new edition of the Share Prize, to discover, promote and support art in the digital age. 'Open Your City' is this years guiding theme. Six finalists will be invited to take part in the 8th Share Festival, held in Torino from 30th October to 11th November 2012. Jurymembers are: Simona Lodi, Carlo Ratti, Bruce Sterlin and Mirjam Struppek.
15 May 2012
Remediating Urban Space Symposium, Plymouth - 6.Juni

Remediating Urban Space: Exploring Design Responses: Wednesday 6th June 2012, 10.00– 16.30 at Plymouth University, UK, organized by the School of Architecture and i-DAT. Keynote: Mark Shepard, University of Buffalo. Session 1: The ‘internet of things’, social memory and networked objects. Session 2 Urban screens, urban public space and participation. Booking is free, and can be made by emailing artsresearch /at/ plymouth.ac.uk
11 November 2011
Public Talk and Surrey
Urban Screen exhibition: Electric Speed

Surrey Urban Screen of the Surrey Art Gallery is is organizing a Public Talk with Mirjam Struppek about the "Growing Global Phenomenon of Urban Screens Builds Community" on December 2, 7pm at SFU Surrey, Canada (Westminster Savings Lecture Theatre). It takes place in conjunction with the Surrey Urban Screen exhibition "Electric Speed" curated by Kate Armstrong and Malcolm Levy.
11 October 2011
Set in Concrete - Urban Screening in Paris by PvonK

From 20-23 of October 2011 the Urban Screenings "Set in Concrete",
curated by PvonK with
support from Mirjam Struppek a.o.will take place on the oldest outside
concrete wall of Paris situated right next to the Seine (see
Daily screening at 7pm. It is hosted by Cité de la Mode et du
Design Paris during Chic
Art Fair.
Click here to Download Catalogue!
14 February 2011
Art on Public Screens Exhibition 1, Stavanger

04 April 2010
20 March 2010
HOW MANY BILLBOARDS? Panel Discussions
- Wednesday, March 24, 2010, 7pm
Panel 1: Visual Rights to the City
- Thursday, April 15, 7pm
Panel 2: The Visual Ecology of Advertising and Architecture
01 February 2010
Media Facades Festival Europe 2010 is approaching

13 January 2010
"Shared Encounters" - book release

Series: Computer Supported Cooperative Work
Willis, K.S.; Roussos, G.; Chorianopoulos, K.; Struppek, M. (Eds.)
2010, XX, 311 p. 49 illus., Hardcover, Springer
Every day we share encounters with others as we inhabit the space around us. In offering insights and knowledge on this increasingly important topic, it highlights the multifaceted nature of collective experience and provides a deeper understanding of the nature and value of shared encounters in everyday life. A valuable reference for anyone designing ubiquitous media, mobile social software and LBS applications, this volume will also be useful to researchers, students and practitioners in fields ranging from computer science to urban studies.
12 January 2010
Urban Screens Toronto 2010, Call for Submissions

Call for Interactive Media and Video Art
The exhibition I am here; what can we do? is part of Urban Screens Toronto 2010, an international urban screens conference and exhibition taking place between September 24th-30th. Themes include: The meeting point of the real and the virtual; work that incorporates media technology and contemporary building/architectural technology; user-generated content; multi-site, networked projects; work that addresses public spaces and civic engagement. More information here.
27 November 2009
Digital Facade Madrid Workshop: Call for projects
Open Up is a workshop for the development of projects for the digital facade in Medialab-Prado's building. This call is addressed to the presentation of proposals to be developed during the workshop-seminar taking place in Madrid from February 9 through 23, 2010.
Deadline for proposals: December 10, 2009
Projects presented in this call will have to explore one of the following aspects:
- referring to the development of strategies for public participation, during any of the project's phases
- encourage ways to activate urban space through the screen
- avour stronger public visibility of agents that normally have none
- visualize public collectives
- develop new ways to activate and interact with the screen among users and portable devices such as cell phones, videogames, lasers, etc.
- include emerging systems and processes that allows this project to evolve and change through time
26 September 2009
Urban Screens and Public Space Seminar, Madrid

Seminar about urban screens and public space directed by architect Nerea Calvillo takes place on September 28, 29 and 30. place: Medialab Prado, Plaza de las Letras, C/ Alameda, 15 Madrid.
Follow the live streaming here
With the participation of Mirjam Struppek (Interactionfield), Susa Pop (Public Art Lab), Jeffrey Huang (Media Design Lab), Kim Halskov (Digital Urban Living), Jan Edler and Tim Edler (Realities United) and Keri Elmsly and Alexandros Tsolakis (United Visual Artists).
In order to engage urban screens with public space three main fields of action have been identified:
- Social Participation. Urban screens as promoters of social responsibility and civic participation.
- Data visualization. Urban screens as information emitters, constructors of critical thought and collective memory.
- Game and Interaction. Urban screens as interactive devices which promote social interaction and ludic experiences.
24 May 2009
Call for Entries: CASZUIDAS Urban Screen Festival

17 September 2008
News on the USM08 Public Art&Events Program

Urban Screens Melbourne - Outdoor Program
3-8 October 2008
We have now more details about the public Art&Events Program of USM08 available online. USM08 will showcase creative experiments on urban screens around the topics of today's communities or water. The program is experimenting with a range of different content suitable for urban screens and is programmed to create a lively event enjoyable for a diverse public audience. It consist of four elemets:
- Multimedia Program
- Film Program
- Joint Broadcasting
- Public Poster Sessions
24 August 2008
Public Testscreenings 30.08. - Media Facades Festival

The Media Facades Festival Berlin 2008 presents:
First public testscreening will happen on the rearprojection facade of the Collegium Hungaricum Berlin on the August 30 2008, starting after dawn. We will present first selected artworks produced in the framework of the Media Facades Festival. The final Urban Screenings will take place from October 18 - November 3 2008 on four media facades in the center of Berlin. 24 meda artists and interaction designer will gain temporary use of the facades and one interactive city terminal ito explore their cultural, political and social roles.08 July 2008
Urban Screens Melbourne 3-8 October 2008

*Collage of Fed Square's large Urban Screen and the unique design of the plaza
Urban Screens Melbourne 08 (USM08) is the third international conference and exhibition of urban screens, following on from the inaugural conference in Amsterdam in 2005 and Manchester in 2007.
The Mobile Publics conference addresses the themes of art, technology and public space, public broadcasting, strategies for urban regeneration, and cross-cultural public networks in the context of Urban Screens. A dynamic outdoor multimedia public program will take place around Federation Square, a unique place where various media tools have been incorporated into a modern public space. It will demonstrate the wide range of possible content for urban screens, ranging from public discussions, live streaming, film, video and animation programs, VJ sets, and interactive art.
Please follow the new festival blog!
22 February 2008
Mediafacades Festival, Berlin 2008

Myths and Potentials of Media Architectures and Urban Screens
Berlin, October / November 2008
The MEDIAFACADE FESTIVAL BERLIN 2008 builds on the successful international Mediaarchitecture Conference held in London in 2007 and will feature an architecture exhibition, a conference and urban screenings on five media facades. The festival will explore the integration of social media and images into facade structures as communicative element and its effect on urban space. It will be the beginning of a long-term urban screens network with the aim to coordinate a creative program for architectural digital surfaces in Berlin.
This Festival is initiated by Public Art Lab and the International Urban Screens Association, in collaboration with Media Architecture Group, Vienna.
21 February 2008
Preparing for Urban Screens Melbourne 2008

In a showcase of international Urban Screen initiatives, Our Friends Are Electric introduces the concept of urban screens to the Melbourne audience in anticipation for the next Urban Screens Conference 3rd-8th October 2008.
From the subways of Paris to electronic billboards in cities such as Toronto, Berlin and Amsterdam, Our Friends Are Electric is a series of projects created specifically for public screens throughout the world. The series will include a range of video art programs in addition to individual artist initiatives created from collective, worldwide contributions.
This project, curated by Kerrie-Dee Johns and Mirjam Struppek, is presented by Federation Square and the International Urban Screens Association - a network of international collaborators ,officially launched during Urban Screens Melbourne 08.18 October 2007
Manchester Urban Screens Screenings
"Man with a Movie Camera" is continuously inviting people to send in their own interpretations of the Vertov classic, which are juxtaposed with scenes from the original and was first shown at Manchester Urban Sreens.
"A Wall is a Screen" took the viewer onto a citytour with its mobile projection equipment, stopping at previously unnoticed locations for the screening of localised footage.

More images from Michelle on Flickr
08 September 2007
The launch of the Urban Screen at Zuidas
The Virtual Museum Zuidas and SKOR finally launched the urban screen at Zuidas, Amsterdam on October 5, 2007: CASZUIDAS - MOVING IMAGES IN PUBLIC SPACE is starting with highlights of the programme along with a selection of TheOneMinuteVideos and portraits of people in the Zuidas made by students of the Sandberg Institute will be shown. Every day from 6 a.m. to midnight, CASZuidas will show work from (inter)nationally known artists and promising young talent, curated by Jan Schuijren.
11 July 2007
Media Architecture Conference 2007

On 11th and 12th September Media Architecture 2007 will take place at Central Saint Martins Innovation in central London. Organised by Media Architecture Group in Vienna, the conference will bring together international speakers from the architecture, planning and media communities for the first time to address the increasing integration of new display technologies for building construction. The huge impact of this development for building design and the urban environment will be explored from both theoretical and practical implementation perspectives by leaders in the field. The conference takes place at the same and is co-organised with PLASA, the international lighting exhibition at Earls Court, London.
Speakers & curators include:
Joachim Sauter, Bart Lootsma, Ludger Hovestadt, Realities United, Andrew Shoben, Kari Jormakka, David Cunningham, Mark Dorrian, Hermann Eisenköck, Patricia Austin, Tim Pritlove, Peter Cornwell, Kathrin Kur, Andreas Rumpfhuber, Oliver Schürer, Mirjam Struppek, Jim Thrower, Gernot Tscherteu
07 February 2007
Tag a Tower in Rotterdam

link by Tijmen Schep
28 January 2007
Cardboard beautification of video billboards

(still from the movie)
"Touch" - an urban interactive light installation

Artists: LAb[au] - ® Dexia + LAb[au]
Architects: Philippe Samyn & P., M & J.M. Jaspers - J. Eyers & P.
Lightning engineer: Barbara Hediger
Billboard ban in Sao Paulo against visual pollution
11 January 2007
Urban Screens in feature films

14 December 2006
Belarus library gets an LED facade

Amsterdam arts on the urban video screen at Rembrandt square

30 November 2006
Projected Weekends in Dublin

Nov. 6th 2006 to Mar. 7th 2007
The Digital Hub will run a series of outdoor projections from their premises in the Dublin 8. The projections will run for the entire weekend Friday 17:00 - Monday 08:30 and each weekend a new piece will be shown.
- This is an open ended call. There is no deadline for submissions.
- All work of any subject and discipline will be considered.
- sound will not be played on the street.
For further details please contact Elaine
e. exhibit@thedigitalhub.com
05 November 2006
"magical mirrors" playing with the urban audience

Lots of images on flickr
During the World Soccer Games in summer a WM-Special ran on the installation:

02 November 2006
Colour by Numbers - playing with the facade

(via we-make-money-not-art)
29 October 2006
Poetic interactive L.E.D mesh structures

The Habitat Hotel is a working scale model of a hotel in Barcelona, by Cloud 9 Architecture . The 'energy mesh' wrapped around it has individual nodes that collect the sun's energy during the day and at night gives off a specific color according to the amount of energy collected. The model's mesh consists of 500 tri-color LEDs controlled by a PIC microprocessor. (via pixelsumo)
Achim Wollscheid's projects redlighthaze and intersite work with a mesh of LED lights covering the facade, recting to the sonic cityscape.

Natalie Bosko's light screens as well cover facades with a reactive LED light net:

23 October 2006
Unintended Textmessage Poetry on Digital Signage

11 October 2006
Cell Phone Disco - interacting with LEDs

thanks Auke!
06 October 2006
DingDotz LED fixtures for the facade of an Austrian bank
At nighttime the whole first floor of the Raiffeisen Bank in Hollabrunn near Vienna becomes a digital LED screen running the bank's branding and promotions, or any other effect or animation. A light sensor turns the system on and off automatically, according to light levels. LEDs magazine describes the detailed construction and technique.

05 October 2006
Who is the Architect of this media facade?
Does anybody know who the architect is?

Refections about curating time-based art on a video billboard

Reactive Gap House - LED lightening for narrow building gaps

This architectural and media concept study meets the challenge of narrow building gaps overcoming the lighting problem by using illuminated ceilings – LEDs behind opaque glass. Connected to a sensory system, the ceilings react to movement below them. Inhabitants can also control the lighting in accordance to their moods.
04 October 2006
Proximity Games on Big Urban Screens

See also Marias thoughts on her blog about an Open Mobile Broadcasting Channel
24 September 2006
Lumalive - screens integrated in textiles of shirts and backpacks
See documentation at youtube by Philips

17 August 2006
The Solar Obelisk
experimenting with the effect of this on the integrated information displays.

Wind Power LED Displays
quietrevolution display tourbines combine wind energy with LED displays:
"QR is available in a model capable of creating a visual display that is part artwork, part renewable energy device, part communications medium. LEDs embedded in each of its three S-shaped blades fire in sequence as the blades rotate, painting a video screen that appears to hang in the air. This full colour and motion image is clearly visible day and night."

Thanks for the hint Oliver Ionescu!
25 July 2006
A new outdoor digital art gallery in Dallas

18 April 2006
Bilboard war in Havanna LED screen used for political propaganda
In reaction Castro ordered to erect a "screen" of flags to cover it and personally visitsed the construction site. People speak of the new Bilboard war....

more images from fluctuat.net
30 March 2006
virtual dschungle 5 - talks about Media facades in Vienna
Location: Architekturzentrum Wien - Podium
Presentation: Wednesday, Apr. 05, 2006, 07:00 pm
Tickets: Free entry!
The harbingers of the media city are cropping up everywhere: projected images the size of an entire façade, huge screens on roof tops and culture buildings used as flickering display surfaces. Developments in the area of display technologies have produced new possibilities for hybrid architecture. The theme of media facades in architecture is not simply the next fashion trend, but represents a step in technological development that will have a lasting impact. This trend will affect the city – with or without architects' collaboration. Therefore the important thing is to assume social responsibility and to integrate the new technologies in building in a culturally ambitious way. For an Austrian architecture scene that likes to experiment the potential of such developments is a highly topical question....
14 January 2006
Jobcentre Plus - information touch-screen kiosks
06 January 2006
OpenAir Cinema

(thanksGeert for the link)
02 January 2006
Suburban Christmas Screens

(thanks Juergen for the hint)
19 December 2005
Screens filling up a 3d volume of space
The Heliodisplay is not really 3d but it is a device which projects real-time streaming video images into thin air and can be also interactive, allowing a finger to move images around.
... but not yet for outdoor space.
FogScreen develops interactive "walk through screens" using fog as projection surface.

Interactive Panoramas for Club11
Here a submission example :
Holographic screens turn shopwindows into interactive displays

(thanks Florian for this link at Future Feeder)
self sustainable analogue pixels for sunny weather